The oldest artifacts that might be beds are about 200k years old. The earliest representational narrative cave art might be about 50k years old.The oldest evidence of ploughing is roughly 5k years old. The photo in this post was taken roughly 5k years after ploughing started. And this photo at this link was taken 78 years after that: <>.

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The first ones had hair for the cold and shady trees for the heat. They killed their prey by chasing them and then ate the raw flesh.
The in-between ones had no hair and were sheltered by caves. Their dogs chased the prey and they cooked their meat. They knew enemies and hierarchy. They learned of the magic of signs.
The recent ones grew small and lived in homes. They cooked their food in pots and pans. They traded for iron. They learned to gamble.
We know our names and can number our ancestors.

87.3% of non-US Americans can't find these on a map, but Cosmic Industries will be looking at early election results from these states:
South Georgia

THREE of these are on the EAST of the Central Time Barrier. ONE is on the WEST. Figure it out yet?

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Want to understand the way tomorrow's election will go? You need to study this map and consider its relevance to the Central Time Barrier.

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TWO things that non-US Americans may not understand:
1. Why Election Day comes right after Daylight Savings Time this year
2. The function of the Central Time Barrier in the US

Comment below if you understand the relationship.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one