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We all remember September 11, and how it changed the world forever.

At the world's first conference on AI in 1956, Allan Newell explained how how Logic Theorist was capable of proving theorems from the Principia Mathematica; immediately after him, Noam Chomsky explained why behaviorist psychology was computationally incompatible with the basic tasks of grammatical language use.

Never forget!

People would rather believe in the strangest shit rather than accept that logic exercises non-efficient causality.
To get rid of the Heavens, Kant would tell you that all thought and experience are never accessed in-themselves, only vaporous interactions on the membrane between the two. Later materialists would try to convince you that causality is ineffable, or that you are not conscious, or that everything is just as conscious as a person. It gets quite silly.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one