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whoops just gonna introduce the finious causation of sign-relations into material dialectics

hopefully the cosmos likes getting tethered up to the eschaton

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The human species is a Promethean fire in the universe and this is a good thing for the universe.

and rallied with politicians in several states to bring back the death penalty.

Moonie was not welcomed into institutional partisan politics until he made a breakthrough performance in the California senatorial election in 201X, which he the parlayed into his current position as House Minority Whip.

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Concept: "Inside Llewyn Davis," but for 80s shock-jocks failing their way up the ladder of reactionary US politics.

"Moonie Ray-Gun" first made his name mocking Jerry Brown, but he wasn't a national figure until he was banned by Johnny Carson from The Tonight Show for his pro-Bernie Goetz comedy set. Moonie's subsequent radio contract was nearly cancelled twice following his mockery of Rodney King, LA rioters, and OJ. But later in the 90s, Moonie seemed to settle into a respectable position...

I'm trying to listen to a YouTube upload of cringy 80s New Age music and I got an ad for "Agilant's" services regarding "oligo nucleotides. What the fuck is this future nonsense.


I'm looking for perspective on this one.
I woke up to mysterious puke outside my back door today. Based on the quantity, I would guess it came from an animal, but based on the placement it seems more human.
What kind of animal wandering around in the darkness arrives at a back door and pukes there?

Will we not pay for our liberty with a single promise of silence?

Periodic reminder that your mind is a high value target within the battlespace.

Question: "Hmmm here's a hyper-energetic system whose dynamics are fundamentally chaotic. What should we do with it?"

Answer: "Poke at it above one of the major population centers in Indian Country!"

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Today I talked myself into believing that the US government was flagrantly negligent at multiple levels leading up to the Rapid City Flood of 1972.

By 1964, the National Academy of the Sciences had already concluded that weather control was being hyped up on uncontrolled experiments rigged together with a posteriori findings. But Congress had already doled out the cash 3 years earlier, so Project Skywater was full steam ahead.

Surely enough, another uncontrolled experiment in 1972 killed 238.

There's some really grim lyrics coming out of the ass-rock / ass-rap-rock genres these days. I'm listening to these guys working next to me and it's like, "I am incapable of feeling sincere emotions anymore. My whole life is a performance and I long for the grave to give definition to my life."

Sometimes I think about the guy who I knew from Scouts who got massive burns on his chest at a campout. I knew his first girlfriend. He became a research scientist.

What is his life like now?
Does he still have scars?
What does he think about them?

"it's called BOUNDARIES sweaty and it means you have to do what I say"

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what if our world is just cybersyn's projection of the worst case scenario if pinochet's coup succeeded?

@enkiv2 A rare example of intersection between the eschatology of Philip K Dick and the holism of Stafford Beer, or as it's better known -- "Dick-Beer theory."

All the jots are correct, but the tittles are a fucking trainwreck.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one