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Normies like to say something is "extremely complicated" when actually it can be described with two or three uncommon-to-obscure terms. People simply don't have good vocabularies and it hinders their capacities to reason about the phenomena around them.

Anyway, read books.

Open are the double doors of the horizon
Unlocked are its bolts

@enkiv2 Yummy infodump! I'm always fascinated by Xanadu, but all the other systems you describe are also interesting.

Do you have any insight on when bidirectional linking appeared to be a dead end?

I am working with a highly disorganized person in a semi-superior position. She keeps trying to put things on my schedule 1 day in advance in bizarre and unhelpful times that force me to cancel on her. So far I've been very apologetic and helping her to save face, but I think I'm going to stop helping her save face pretty soon.

I think that east asian cultures may have a good angle with this dynamic.

Kinda showed my cards to a colleague by mentioning that I like Machiavelli. Whoopsie poopsie.

People ask me, "How do you know about that?" And I tell them, "I know what knives and spoons are. I know what the Steven Universe wiki is."

Suppose you want to play along with the "icebergs know about climate change" game. What bets would you place differently? How could anyone use this information to get superior resolution to the dissonances of everyday experience?

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Small brain eco-humanist: "if melting is a kind of 'behavior', and if ice has to 'know' the temperature in order to begin the 'behavior' of melting, then it's like we can define ice as knowing about climate change!"

It's a sad statement about the eco-humanist academy that they feel they need to rewrite causality in terms of knowledge.

It's also sad that in the pursuit of an inhuman semiotic they overlook the warrant of Peircean pragmatism: that this shit matters inasmuch as its cash-value.

I remember seeing Interstellar in theaters. There's a line in there where X says, "there's only a 50% chance this will work," and Y says, "those are the best odds I've had in years."
Reader, I teared up in the cinema because those lines resonated with my experience. Again, I cannot relate to people who do not have firsthand experience of how desperate things were for so many for so long.

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New psyop: make cybersec ppl believe that a faction of normies are directly and specifically acting against their cybersec training to protest the level of cybersec obligation imposed on the end-user. At least it will be a useful myth for cybersec ppl to talk about undue obligation.

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Guy who acts like people are dweebs for caring about reckless driving. (Reader, I am mad about him.)

A puppet show to introduce kids to the thought of Umberto Eco.

STOP talking shit about the Pixies!
Joey Santiago is a visionary guitar player
Frank Black is an iconic and evocative performer
Dave Lovering
Kim Deal is a gifted songwriter and insightful musical collaborator

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a Schelling point for those who seek one