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Btwn Proclus and the Renaissancers I should have added Pseudo-Dionysus the Aereopagite

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DIY Doppelganger: simply act out your most reprehensible tendencies and blame it all on a different person who happens to look the same as you. Does this sound too awkward or uncomfortable? Simply blame it on your doppelganger!

@futurebird @davidho One of the obsessions in the back of my head for the past few years: An ebike tow-able solar camper/micro-house boat with a minimal trailer assembly that packs onboard along with the bike.

I think it's possible. I built a *road-bike* towable bike camper some years ago and lived out of it entirely for more than half a year.

And yes, your husband would be happy that the bike was often stored inside the trailer. One day I'll build the amphibious version.

I never thought I had looked up Nachträglichkeit before but then my browser history showed that I had.

The upshot of this is that web / phone addiction is worse, or at least a bigger psi-risk, than we naively recognize.
Phones are uniquely embedded in the life-world and uniquely dynamic in a way that mass media never were.

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Minds think in signs. There's no Adamic psyche who has a complete life of mind that's subsequently contaminated with memes or whatever. Thinking is a sign-process. Always has been.
And likewise, we can't read media technologies as if they're just more tools. The printing press is unlike the spinning wheel. The spinning wheel weaves wool. The printing press weaves dialectics.

It's taken me a couple years, but I think I've finally chased down the lineage of stuff I'm interested in:

Cusa, Ficino, Pico

If you want to know how endemic anti-black racism is in the USA, a 6 y/o from a respectably anti-racist family (participates in multi-culti stuff, etc) is coming back from kindergarten cracking jokes about "Africans."

There's a Russian mom here with the chunkiest sneakers I've ever seen. Makes me wonder whether Russians are ahead of us in shoe chunkiness technology.




Tonight I literally talked someone to sleep while describing Brunelleschi

Someone should make something /dark/ and /twisted/ to show how the culture of the US in the 1950s was secretly BAD!

The Ortega hypothesis posits that science progresses through the accumulation of narrow, modest, specialized findings.

It seems a fairly unobjectionable elaboration to argue that publication bias is a major cause of friction preventing the accumulation of modest and mundane findings behind leading research programs.

I propose that publication bias is a major drag force preventing the emergence of experimental consensus.

I will be forever grateful that I was introduced to bebop when I was a teenager. It's a Proustian wormhole for me.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one