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The contest between simple absurdities and complex cruelties is a "Trojan Horse race" (with thanks for the phrase to Stanislaw Jeezy Lec).

My house has nearly doubled in value. This is filthy lucre.

Kerensky is one of the most consequential people of the 20th century.

Y'know Beria was quite a reliable technocrat but then again there was all the other stuff

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21st century ethical philosophers be like "what if the shrimp has utils" and then their dating lives are straight outta Suetonius.

Do whatever you want with your attention. I'm not trying to yuck your yum.

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The number of people who never watch sports is more than double the number of people who watch sports multiple times a week.

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In 2021, 33% of US poll respondents said they never watch sports. The majority, 51%, watch sports once a month or less.

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I wish there were a filter I could apply to my web/adspace stuff to indicate that I have never cared and will never care about any sport whatsoever.
It's weird to me that "being a spectator for sport X" is still considered a general preference. I think the data indicate that those preferences were mostly falsified by normies looking to go along and get along during the mass media age. Now that people have good, cheap, abundant media, spectator sports are going the way of disco.

I am sincerely very glad that silicon valley has spent oodles of venture bucks mapping out the vector space of natural language.

Zoomers ... do not know how to use computers.

Today I had to show one how to save a file in Word and how to close a window.

"They've got you on tilt" is a real improvement over "You've been baited." "Baiting" implies that the real effects of trolling are directly controlled by the troll, whereas "on tilt" implies that the trollèd is responsible for most of the malfunctioning -- further revealing that rational, self-respecting conduct is a precarious point of stasis.

Why does this make me so uncomfortable? Something must be off here.

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Freud-brained this week.
I shouldn't discount how that the main thing I use this mask for is to be emotionally honest. This may indicate that was the thing most denied to me as a kid.

I absolutely adored Luke's send-off in The Last Jedi and I will fight people over this.

Today I had a chaos magick-y thing happen that I had previously read about. I wrote a thing with a character, and then a person with that name, perfectly fitting that description, appeared in the setting of that fiction and began to play his part. I don't know what to do with this information.

There's no non-weird way to talk about this, so I'll just be vague. People with abnormal visual interests are having an absolute golden age with Midjourney, and I think it's incredible that there's a bunch of dudes out there who are all quietly keeping a lid on it. I think it's a glimpse into what it's going to be like with real Holodecks: everyone better be real chill while some people are plugged in to their most outlandish interests.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one