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did u know? If you say this is wrong, you are not actually Bri'ish!

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did u know? In the UK, it's spelled "computre," which is why you only encounter people *pretending* to be Bri'ish on this computer network -- all the real Brits are on the *computre" network!

Q1. Hey Alan Moore and Grant Morrison! What are UK comics going to do with the trauma incumbent in life in a late-colonial-imperial system?
A1. "We're going to do psychedelics and walk through a forest."

Q2. Hey Frank Miller! What are US comics going to do with the trauma incumbent in life in a late-colonial-imperial system?
A2. "I want to fuck a gun."

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Let me just take a big drink of coffee and check to see if my society's institutions of success through maximum grittiness have ever promoted behaviors that are brutally abusive or which leverage the threat of extreme abuse...

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There's a character trait that's valued in my culture, something like "grit" or work-ethic, that's fundamentally based on training young people with techniques of shock and fear to override their limbic system's behavioral brakes for self-preservation.

You know what really challenges a metaphysics of organism? Sex and reproduction. And that's precisely where Plato's laws become absurd and inhumane.

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But the stuff that Plato is interested in (laws from the inner necessity of an organism) can't be derived independent of a cosmos of character and relation. By attempting to think of all of the Just City, or of the mind, independent of its formation or context, is simply impossible.
That's why I think the "noble lie" at the heart of the Platonic pedagogy (for guardians) is seriously flawed. Plato is covering his tracks because none of this philosophy of organism actually can deal with generation

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We passed the Rubicon last year. All that's left is for everyone else to notice it.

So to be perfectly plain about it, Peirce doesn't think that there's much access to experience outside of the processing of these 3 aspects of significance: the fundamental character or quality of something; its clash with the character of something else; and whatever upshot emerges from the mediation of these two. The last item can then become the fundamental character of something else, and you can construct very complex structures of experience by chaining quiddities together like this.

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So as a fledgling Peircean, the problem with this is that there's nothing *to* a system of laws and necessity that exists in isolation of the world of mutability.

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Nice language you've got there. Be a shame if someone harnessed its power of creation and destruction.

I want a Solarpunk Superman arc written by Grant Morrison aping Swamp Thing instead of the other bits of Alan Moore's corpus.

I was on a podcast where kids quizzed two people to decide who was a fake and who was a real expert.

The host said early on, the kids thought the fake was the expert every time because the actors answered every question confidently and the experts would hedge or even sometimes say, "I don't know."

They eventually told the fakes to be less confident so the kids would pick the expert sometimes.

It just occurred to me this is now real life with #chatGPT (but nobody is telling it to back off).

I got to tell him about people on the Internet who ironically use the word "inshallah."

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At a certain point when he was telling me about one of his near-death experiences, I got crazy déjà vu. It's probably just a blood sugar thing, though.

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He currently lives in an RV and travels the US. He's got a wife who has stuck with him through all of this.

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Met a very funky cat at a mosque tonight. He said he was a US Marine, then in the Bandidos biker gang, before becoming a messianic Jew and eventually a Muslim. He's also dyslexic. He says the Large Hadron Collider is supposed to open a portal to the dimension of the djinn.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one