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New EA cause area: get 7 tycoons to fund the reconstruction of the Wonders of the Ancient World, but make sure they're located in really climate-change-vulnerable areas.

For example, if you rebuilt the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus at Bodrum, Turkey, the port has already had like 15cm of sea level rise since '99.

To be clear: I think Rock & Roll is very, very, very good. It is my favorite kind of music, and I could listen exclusively to Rock & Roll until I die.

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If we're being honest, it's like listening to a personality disorder.

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Do you ever think about how unhinged someone had to be to invent Rock & Roll?

This is not exclusively negative. US Americans have literally done crash courses on Critical Theory because of the culture war. You could get us having bitter, hate-filled arguments about CRISPR or the canon of Attic Orators if you first gave us some way to tell which parts are outgroup and which parts are ingroup.

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The ancient Greeks had no concept of zero and US Americans have no concept of a world beyond the culture war.

I don't have any concept how big 300g of meat is, but I know how much meat a person on red team should eat and I know how much meat a person on blue team should eat.

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Non-US ppl be telling US Americans like "I paid US$1.65/kg for potato" lmao do you think US Americans are in contact with quantitative / material reality anymore?

My person lived so I have the luxury of forgetting about the agony. I think that the people who can't forget would endorse me forgetting and enjoying life with my person.

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"Oh," you think in that scenario, "This is going to be really bad and nothing's ever going to make it right."

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There's a huge number of people walking around with quiet resentments based on how hospital environments had to change after 2020, how they saw people isolated in treatment, etc. That's the shit that makes you question everything -- when you bring someone to the hospital and you would do everything for that person, sleep on the hospital floor to suffer whatever you have to just to stay close, and in spite of it all you're turned away to go sit in the car and just sit with the rage and the fear.

It's kind of interesting that people don't labor over discovering lies, but over proving lies. It doesn't take much time or effort to detect lies. Things seem off. It happens pretty instantly. The exact nature of the lie takes a bit of leg-work, but that's it.

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Woah, that firework really knocked you out for a while. Computers? Modernity? The occident? I don't know what you're talking about, bro. Let's get to the auditorium. Cao Cao has a new poem and I hear it's liiiit

Seems like you nerds are starting to realize that you should have studied narrative theory.

Dramatists like to imagine lies being raised up in scenarios to be tried and tested, as in a crucible, under the highest standards of skepticism. The dramatic idea is to strip away all extraneous details and confounding incentives until the verity of the characterization by some character reveals a profound character choice.

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... the fantasy of having proof of a 2nd shooter provides a simple key that redefines the event in a way that unlocks a different indexical chain of legally necessary cause-and-effect.

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A lot of the enjoyment of the sleuthing-style conspiracy theories comes from accessing a similar space to lying: "I have singular access to an ephemeral event whose existence is unquestioned yet whose character will directly and unalterably determine the choices of an untold number of people."

Something like the JFK assassination involves an event that is treated like an index for a bunch of administrative shuffling (POTUS dies -> new POTUS) and the fantasy of having proof of a 2nd shooter...

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It is important to remember that lies are easily detected.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one