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CS Peirce described the universe as progressively evolving towards a state of perfect rational necessity, like a cthonic god of number manifesting itself from the ash-heap of history.

I think I'm a Ken Thompson hack truther.
I feel it's warranted by this analogous situation:

Once again, I am speaking objective, empirically verifiable truths.

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On New Year's Eve in Prairie du Chienne, Wisconsin, officials inaugurate the New Year by ceremonially dropping a carp from a crane onto their main street.

If it weren't for Toyota, you know there would be thousands of young Americans firstnamed "Camry."

Pragmatists are not necessarily interested in deconstructing experience: in most cases, pragmatist systems assume that the motivations that people bring to their environments are valid and suitable for constructive use.
If affect is a domain of learning, and if that learning is a process of adaptation that adds up to an intensification of significance, then a pragmatic education of affect would lead people into more and more meaningful adaptations that relate self-observation and environment.

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All of that is simply to say that we can imagine a more accurate integrated account of how psychomotor skill-building (which involves putting the body through different energetic states) might sometimes lead to affective self-interpretation, and cognition can be handmaiden for this and more.

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Obviously the physiological parts of affect correspond to certain patterns of action: elevated heartrate and muscle tension are great for behaviors involving energetic movement. But emotions are not self-evident: they are experiences, usually linked to stimuli, and as such they can always be interpreted or translated through third experiences. What we know as affect, or emotion, involves a great deal of cultural and personal interpretation of those experiences. Cognition can critique this.

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I should mention at this point that it's kind of screwy and dumb that Bloom divided up learning along the scholastic division of mind (cognition), body (psychomotor), and spirit (affect). Charles S Peirce would call you a superstitious little ninny for such things. But if we were feeling more charitable, we could interpret these domains of experience along the lines outlined by pragmatist George Herbert Mead. For Mead, affect is part of the adaptive process -- and therefore we can link all 3.

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I've started to secretly slip some things into this discussion that I should just explicate at this point.

Benjamin S Bloom is most famous for his taxonomy of *cognitive* skills (befitting college education), but over the course of his career he developed two other taxonomies -- one for psychomotor skills (befitting our poor voc-ed students) and one for the affective domain (I'll save that for last). All three taxonomies can be interpreted through pragmatic semiosis.

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A critically reflective baker begins to ask questions about the symbols that mediate the experiential "firsts" of baking (such as the flavor and moistness of a cake) and the "seconds" of baking (such as the accurate correspondence between what the recipe says and what the baker does). An experience that reflects and mediates between these might be something like a taste test. And the critically reflective baker uses the experience of the taste test to drive further inquiry into baking arts.

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"Thirdness" cognitive skills, like critical thinking, are those that involve the recognition of the mediated and reflexive access that we have to our knowledge through symbols.

So let's imagine a Deweyite baker. At the most basic level of learning (firstness) the baker is paying attention to the experiences of baking: smells, feels, time, etc. At the intermediate levels the baker is refining practice, such as by following recipes and techniques. But at the third level, the baker gets weird...

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But if you recall the predominance of Deweyite approaches to education during the period of Bloom's taxonomy, the taxonomy becomes mildly more interesting.

Bloom's Taxonomy describes stages of semiosis, really. The lowest stages of cognitive skill deal with firstness -- the mere awareness and recognition of experience. The middle stages deal with secondness -- correlative pattern-matching behaviors that develop through straightforward causal chains. The most advanced stages involve thirdness.

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What Bloom created to describe patterns of educational outcomes is now called Bloom's Taxonomy, and if you were taught at an institution run by professionals then chances are that those people are already aware of Bloom's Taxonomy.

Bloom's Taxonomy is most commonly understood as describing a sequence of cognitive skills beginning with the simplest (recall) and advancing to more and more complex skills (creation). Do the simple before the complex: As it's normally taught, the lesson stops here.

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Anyway, this inclusive and progressive approach was really hunky-dory for New Dealers who were looking for a way to make public institutions relevant to the disaster of the Great Depression.

Dewey predominated in educational theory for decades.

One of the projects in educational research during those subsequent decades sought to create a common vocabulary for describing the types of learning that were happening in higher education. The lead researcher on this was Benjamin S Bloom.

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Deweyite education was a hit, and perhaps more importantly it was backed with a generally progressive sensibility that met its moment in the Great Depression. Pragmatists including Dewey believed that this same process of learning could also be applied to organisms greater than an individual human, and so the semiotic process could also be seen at work in the deliberative processes of a free society. The public school, the union-hall, the voting booth are all venues for pragmatic deliberation.

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So this meant that Dewey was perfectly comfortable working with vocational education -- even though at first he was only allowed to work with voc-ed students because they tended to be the ethnic underclass. Deweyite education has no chill w.r.t. education that makes no cash-value difference for its students, and it sets the expectation that pragmatic education should deepen and intensify the significance or meaning that people derive from their behaviors -- even behaviors like dry-cleaning.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one