Every time I do tech support for my family I get very angry about people who whine about lacking "tech literacy".
90% of the stuff I have to teach them is how to navigate manipulative software and dark patterns. This has nothing to do with tech, but with capitalism. Tech is not complicated, it is just made maximally confusing on purpose to remove agency.
Better tech ed won't fix this.
@eb "I never thought a sophisticated APT would backdoor *my* volunteer-maintained infrastructure that I got for free" sobs entire industry who voted for the "volunteer-maintained infrastructure that I get for free with no defense against sophisticated APTs" party
@petealexharris @cstross It's true. A running joke amongst my peers is that any AI news headline can replace "AI" with "capitalism" and remain 100% true.
Copied from twit space:
Man goes to doctor. Says he is CEO of AI startup but has no idea how to become profitable.
Doctor says solution is simple. Advanced model GPT-4 is in town. Ask it how to profit, and it will surely know the answer.
Man bursts into tears. “But doctor” he says “you are GPT-4”
Just this guy, you know?