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One of the least plausible aspects of fantasy as a genre is that sorcerers NEVER seem to get bogged down in creating a new spell then spend the next three or four months muttering "I hate this, it's rubbish" under their breath.

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Putting Dumbass Computer Programs in Charge of Important Decisions Poses Existential Risk to Humanity, Experts Warn

Ability to mimic human dialog a stupid reason to assume computers are people, say people who program computers

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Things that will wipe out civilization:

50CE -- Barbarians

1350CE -- Plague

1950CE -- Nuclear war

2020CE -- Plague again

2023CE -- Fancy Autocorrect

I understand how .zip domains can be abused, but isn't the result just an unwanted download?

What's the current state of browser vulnerability to unwanted clicks? URL obfuscation tricks are now so old and common that almost any attempt is going to get some clicks, regardless of a file extension.

Dagon boosted

Genie: I’ll give you one billion dollars if you can spend 100M in a month. There are 3 rules: No gifting, no gambling, no throwing it away.

SRE: Can I use AWS?

Genie: There are 4 rules.

Dagon boosted

@petealexharris @cstross It's true. A running joke amongst my peers is that any AI news headline can replace "AI" with "capitalism" and remain 100% true.

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Copied from twit space:
Man goes to doctor. Says he is CEO of AI startup but has no idea how to become profitable.

Doctor says solution is simple. Advanced model GPT-4 is in town. Ask it how to profit, and it will surely know the answer.

Man bursts into tears. “But doctor” he says “you are GPT-4”

@mrxmrt @etoani

I don't think I _HAVE_ a like button. The star icon in my Mastodon instance is labeled "Favourite", which implies that it saves it for my own use, not that it is visible to anyone else.

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@waldi @eloy However interestingly despite being the wrong AT protocol, posting +++ATH0 on bluesky *does* result in a total shutdown of the network

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I don't think enough biology teachers explain that, for the rest of his life, whenever he heard a bell ring Ivan Pavlov felt the urge to give a dog a biscuit

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My new startup is powered by GPUs and ethical lapses.

And I’m all outta GPUs.

It's an interesting question of how to test systems that only have extremely infrequent (we hope) use.

I can argue that there are ZERO emergencies where I want my phone to interrupt me. But if there are some that I want, I think I have to accept that I'll suffer more tests to know if and how it works than actual emergencies.

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Fun fact: the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer can't use a real-time operating system.

This is because it's Io bound.

I thank you.

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just drinking some tea and tiling the plane without repeating patches

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This came to me from a trans friend I know really, really well. For years now. And from that, I can tell you that there actually is a trans agenda. And it is this:

To walk through the world without getting their rights, bodies, and lives taken and attacked by people who hate them for no reason at all.

That’s it.


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Dagon boosted

this LLM shit is worse than the cryptocurrency nonsense because a lot of otherwise reasonable techies who saw right through the technolibertarian shit of blockchain stuff are falling head over heels for fancy expensive markov chains.

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To safeguard our performance, we are making a number of conservative changes to our staffing model. The vast majority of our Trolley Track Switching Engineers will be impacted, with no fewer than 3 remaining to oversee switching needs on our infrastructure.

We are also sorry to say goodbye to our Track Switching Ethics team, who have made significant impact on our practices worldwide. We wish all impacted resources the best in their future careers.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one