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it brings me no joy to admit that it looks like tesla man bad

ok where do i find the local and the federated timeline on the app

Delca boosted

Stop writing software to "delight" users.

Start writing software that confuses the user a little bit. Software that is a tad weird to the user. Software that slightly curses the user and their offspring.

as a certified clueless idiot my hot take is that most of the time jira is the problem, but replacing jira isn't the solution

kind of surprised how few likes (stars? favs? minimum viable actions of approval?) toots on here get compared to twitter

i'm seeing lots of posts with dozens of retoots and comments yet barely any stars

is this a bug? cultural thing in this corner? in all of the fediverse?

This is my first toot! Seems to work fine so far.


a Schelling point for those who seek one