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I could summarize it as "axiomatic reasoning in which the axioms are numerous and chosen according to taste."
Like Carlos here, a Christian who thinks reason is overrated—not enough metanoia (repentance) & thymos (heart).
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These two seem to be enough, and perhaps if The Hard Problem of Consciousness were solved, we would only need one.
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Ultimately though, people do choose their own beliefs. Why choose my axioms, then? Again, I would only point out that
1. every axiom is an irreconcilable difference that can cause human conflict. Bob insists Axiom X is true, Joe insists X is false. Since axioms are unprovable,
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there's no way to resolve the disagreement.
2. Evidence and reason work and are broadly accepted and uncontroversial, so "all other beliefs MUST be based on evidence and logic" is a good axiom. This axiom isn't sufficient to derive morality, though; hence the previous axiom.