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RT @VividVoid_
Due to access issues, I am migrating accounts starting February 14th, 2023.

Please follow @_VividVoid_ and help me find my friends!

RT @_VividVoid_
I couldn't regain access to my original account, so I am rebuilding it here. Please follow and help me find my friends!

an extremely powerful spell to cast in the replies
RT @JamesZetlen
@tristramshanty1 @ftlsid i bet you could come up with a good dunk on your own tweet here if you thought about it a little longer

i’m not saying it’s wrong, just that the scope of the take should be explicitly recognized. unless OP is making a larger claim that nothing good came from GDPR

basically any policy is going to have negative externalities

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and confusing convenience for goodness is a classic modern mistake anyway

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takes like this are funny because they only focus on the visible parts. GDPR was implemented in a way that obviously and on the surface inconveniences users. i think it’s hard to say more than that without doing a ton of research
RT @Robotbeat
GDPR made the internet significantly worse. We can admit this now, right?

RT @the_wilderless
the agoraphilia of the spontaneous mind

and then learning how to automate it again
RT @hekatonsure
adulthood is everything becoming manual

what is the actual purpose of video game criticism?
what is the point of art criticism?

i think there is one and i think most video game and art critics utterly fail at cashing in on the benefits of criticism: the things that make it useful and important

how much of your awake time do you spend in split screen mind?

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RT @oceandualism
how much time do you spend in split screen mind, not really here and not really with the time, place, or people you're thinking of?

RT @hubermanlab
Every 24 hours we need to re-up:
1. Sleep
2. Morning Sunlight
3. Exercise
4. Nutrients (even if from body stores)
5. Water
The fact that we can survive >24hrs without one or several of these, is irrelevant. Health flourishes when we make getting all 5 of these a daily priority.

i always did best at my job when i operated out of frustration because it meant i was paying attention to all the bad things happening and could help fix them
RT @cauchyfriend
Most surprising thing I learned about tech career development is that being extremely disagreeable and vocally discontent (but not mean) with bad or inefficient solutions is both highly rewarded and critical for projects to succeed.

RT @strnglft
I'm seeing talk about people having eggs stick to their stainless steel pan so I'm posting this again so that it never happens to you again.

RT @ellegist

“SA” = spatial awareness
“MH” = mental health

compared to the average person, you have…

2023: the year of daylight brightness indoors
RT @panchromaticity
Sad that the move with LED lighting was towards lower power bulbs at the same brightness instead of way brighter bulbs at the same power

imagine if what you perceive as this world and life was just training for an AGI (you) that will eventually live in someone's smartphone in the real universe

astounded that 1/3 of my beautiful respondents think all white-collar crimes should be prosecuted
RT @empathy2000
what percentage of people committing white-collar crimes should be, in a perfect world, caught and prosecuted?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one