RT @RichardHanania I just ran the numbers, and it's really shocking. You can see the democratic decline in a global context. It's hard to explain to non-political scientists how bad this is. I'm having to rewrite the syllabus and think about how to communicate what's happening to my students.
RT @HamishSymington Here's another video of bees falling out of the sky when the lights go out. I'm surprised it's an on/off choice for them - no graceful trying to glide to land or anything like that, they literally just stop flying and plummet. Surely that's more dangerous than keeping flying?
RT @woodlandbirder An old beer bottle in Monks Wood NNR, used as an anvil to smash open countless snails by countless Song Thrushes. The bottle may have been used by the birds for more than half a century, it's embossed 'Huntingdon Breweries Ltd', who ceased production in 1954. @NE_WestAnglia
RT @alt1na1 if ur at a company about to IPO and you’re not producing measurable value as an individual contributor but hold unvested stocks ur gonna get wacked
RT @ninapaley Revelation 8:3 "And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!"