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RT @monarchdiaries
With great sorrow I inform the community that the human known here as @__ice9 has died. Our project now turns to holding the many great things they did up towards the light.
Below is an image I'm both exceedingly proud of and duty-bound by.

RT @postpostpostr
@alth0u hide new york threads
ignore new york posts
do not reply to new york posters

RT @jessesingal
1. Really good @powellnyt piece that I've been waiting for someone to write about the decline of the ACLU.

Number of new free-speech lawyers hired by the organization with the ~$200 million in new funding it got from Trump's election: zero.

RT @roguewpa
I you commissioned a painting for a church to illustrate the Apocalypse of John and got this back you'd ask them to tone it down

RT @Thinkwert
Sister’s | Brother’s
girl power | death
anthems | metal
Mom’s | Dad’s
romantic jazz | 70’s
standards | acid rock

RT @funkyduffy
@thebestestpie @fire__exit Dynamic Web Content and its consequences have been a disaster for the World Wide Web

RT @SteveStuWill
Vocal mimicry is reasonably common in birds, but European starlings are particularly gifted mimics. As this clip shows. Just incredible.

RT @yashkaf
@hyperdiscogirl Saw an evolutionary biologist last night. His tweet didn't ask "where's my fat bitch?" or "why am I a cockroach?" but "where are the emperor's clothes?" What could it mean?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one