RT @RAVerBruggen
The psychosocial effects of the Flint water crisis appear to have been far bigger than the lead effects, at least in some short term data. https://www.nber.org/papers/w29341#fromrss
RT @alt1na1
Oh my God they’re already locking up our men https://twitter.com/alt1na1/status/1447677319280214024
@_lychrel @sadlyoddisfying @chrismessina https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=until%3A2007-09-08%20filter%3Afollows&src=typed_query
RT @lymanstoneky
Yikes. The reconciliation bill is set to create a bigger, more permanent marriage penalty in the EITC! https://www.niskanencenter.org/the-reconciliation-bill-more-than-doubles-the-eitc-marriage-penalty/
RT @funkyduffy
@FahadMAlam MySpace taught an entire generation how to make the most horrifying visual abominations conceivable in a webpage
RT @acczibit
The underlying theme is, ironically, that of the boomer writ large:
Not passing on their skills and knowledge, trying to micromanage everything instead of delegating to younger generations, clinging on to the position despite being too old, thus holding up the career ladder https://twitter.com/nycjim/status/1445367653221142530
RT @davidshor
@mattyglesias Politicians talking about gay marriage in 2004 was the one thing that disrupted its steady rise in popularity and even made it less popular! https://twitter.com/davidshor/status/1030949329455013889?s=21
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.