RT @toad_spotted
The whole thread is highly recommended https://boards.4channel.org/trv/thread/2075339/just-chilling-in-afghanistan https://twitter.com/Rimmy_Downunder/status/1426838276703330310
RT @cheascake
ROUND 2 https://twitter.com/cheascake/status/1426697547012263945
RT @funkyduffy
@default_dad @nathanael_gould sorry but if sincerely praising your mutuals is clearly and easily distinguishable from dunking on them then your mutuals are basic
RT @rationalyst
This but on form 10-K, benchmarked against stock price returns? https://twitter.com/paulg/status/1425147126032519172
RT @tummymuncher
remember when everyone laughed at drumpf for wanting to buy greenland https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1425074668919209987
RT @deepfates
retweet this if you want to ban leaf blowers
RT @funkyduffy
@Ingmndr @718Tv We need to implement HGH regimes for an elite subset of American Teens in order to ensure a strategic reserve of SuperSoldiers in case of future war. 😤😤😤
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.