RT @paul_hundred
The wrong Biden ran https://twitter.com/trevorcumbo/status/1402346517458046985
RT @funkyduffy
@eigenrobot @Nexuist Stallman gets his internet emailed to him one page at a time
RT @dlknowles
@ZachWeiner If you're feeling ambitious: https://www.seriouseats.com/mutura
RT @jessesingal
1. Really good @powellnyt piece that I've been waiting for someone to write about the decline of the ACLU.
Number of new free-speech lawyers hired by the organization with the ~$200 million in new funding it got from Trump's election: zero.
RT @roguewpa
I you commissioned a painting for a church to illustrate the Apocalypse of John and got this back you'd ask them to tone it down https://twitter.com/WFreeflyer/status/1400950167394676736
RT @funkyduffy
@thebestestpie @fire__exit Dynamic Web Content and its consequences have been a disaster for the World Wide Web
RT @SteveStuWill
Vocal mimicry is reasonably common in birds, but European starlings are particularly gifted mimics. As this clip shows. Just incredible. https://bit.ly/3wYzydT
RT @St_Rev
Worst? It probably isn't in the top 50. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_massacres_in_North_America https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1398435936455827457
RT @funkyduffy
@goblinodds @Solar_Trex hornt is simply not my Aesthetic
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.