no, baby, i like your conclusion, it's the notion that "better than" relation is not transitive that repugns me

kuleje boosted

I published an article on the #LastPassBreach:

This is very serious, no matter what #LastPass says. From the article:

“This makes it sound like decrypting the passwords you stored with LastPass is impossible. It also prepares the ground for blaming you, should the passwords be decrypted after all: you clearly didn’t follow the recommendations. Fact is however: decrypting passwords is expensive but it is well within reach. And you need to be concerned.”

Another conclusion from this article: #PBKDF2 is dead. Yes, you have that officially from me. If you still use it, feel free to go and fix that now.

kuleje boosted

@roussefolle the UK is out, let’s finally ban imperial units in the EU

@nathanpmyoung in Poland employees (in general, not just in banks) are required to take 14 consecutive calendar days, but the reason is not fraud prevention but rather rest & regeneration.


a Schelling point for those who seek one