[Curie-point (critical temp below which electron-spin correlates across atoms)]:[macro-scale magnetism]::[error-threshold (critical mutation rate/noise below which genetic info net accumulate across gens)]:[macro-scale evolution]

also relevant for the transition from [subliminal⇄conscious (aka self-organised criticality)] & [default-mode network⇄dorsal attention network]. but ppl hv already made the connection btn consciousness & Ising model.



my nutshell model of hippocampal formation is this:

entorhinal cortex (EC) encodes generalized dimensional structures / types of relations via grid-cells & object-vector-cells, and hippocampus maps specific (sensory, abstract) cues onto those relations, thereby making place-cells, landmark-cells, splitter-cells, etc.

iow, EC is where abstract math is stored when it's deeply intuitive, and hippocampus is the thing that *applies* those mathy relations to practical stuff.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one