What would you do if you knew you could rationalize everything?

@cosmiccitizen oh, nice question...! I guess it depends on my expectation over what my unendorsed subconscious motivations are. if at all I have endorsed motivations which conflict w what actions my infinite-rationalization-capability bias me toward, am I just provably ineffectual/non-causal/epiphenomenal?


@cosmiccitizen otoh, if—more realistically—my rationalization-strength wrt unendorsed motivations was merely extremely high, i wud focus on trying to understand and gain leverage over them, instead of blindly "compensating" wo understanding.

a balancing strategy like "ok, spend 30 sec thinking abt pros, and 30 sec thinking abt cons" is blind in the sense that it has no model of the enemy, which also means that it fails to generate opportunities to *learn* abt the enemy.

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