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This is a credible proposal for DRM for websites in general. It would enable unbeatable adblock-blocking. It would prevent user customization for not just convenience but also accessibility.

I do not say this lightly: Enabling the forfeiture of control over the browsing experience is a fundamentally evil idea that must be rejected now, as it has been in the past, and we must remain vigilant against its reemergence in the future.


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Becoming incredibly deranged watching people jump between a half dozen mobile-only centralized algorithmic troughs because the equivalent of an email address is too hard

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Did you know that xedit (the standard X11 text editor, included with NetBSD by default) includes syntax highlighting and automatic formatting for many file formats?

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There was a news item yesterday that "Mastodon" (aka Fedi) reached 2 million users recently. This is after a decade. Facebook's Thread came out a week ago and now has 100 million users.

One thing that this means is that for all the fears that Threads might embrace, extend and extinguish the Fediverse, they don't seem very likely: They haven't embraced it yet, they already have a much higher user count and they absolutely don't need another 100k user from the fediverse who hate their guts just to pump up their numbers. If they ever actually implement federation, it will only be for regulatory reasons.

Still, drama about Meta (and before, gab and truth social, and always twitter) filled up the net for weeks and months, and big 'pacts' were drawn up to fight against an enemy who doesn't think about you at all. Or alternatively, NDAs were signed to sit at the tables of 'power' and finally be able to be one of the big boys.

This is FREE FEDI so you can of course do what you want, but I think it's better to stop being so reactive to any small move that the walled gardens are doing. It's agenda setting and distracts from the goal of making fedi a good place to go to for fedi users. Clearly, fedi isn't for normies. Should it be? It seems that most people vastly prefer Zuckerberg twitter to freedom. So why compete for that crowd? Especially since the fediverse itself doesn't need to cater to anyone at all.

The software and usability situation on the fediverse has vastly improved over the last few years, and I think it will continue to do so. Let's keep working on that, being more active and less reactive, and let's try to not have meta and musk dominate the topics that are being discussed on fedi.

also #cofe
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A Regional Train passes a Railroad Crossing
between Flooded Fields, Nidderau-Eichen, Germany
image credit: Michael Probst

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*siigh* I'm thinking of muting a certain word but before I do I need you all to agree that we need to rename a sequence of messages to be a "chain", the basic unit of parallel computation to be a "lane", and the really great CPU from AMD to be a "seam ripper"

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So uhhh does anyone know cool small golang projects a relative beginner can take a look at? I want to know how people write stuff in it

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Hello everyone! This is the very first open test of my blind accessible game engine called Unseen RPG Engine, a niche game engine that allows anyone to easily make turn based RPGs, at least that's the goal! This is very early and the purpose of this is to try and start getting the critical feedback I'll need to make this accessible, usable, and fun. Learn more about it, join the discord community, and download it here! ericbomb.itch.io/the-unseen-rp

#GameDev #A11y #Accessibility

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"Piracy can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning"

This is increasingly how it feels, when things you "own" digitally become inaccessible, and when shows which are locked in streaming services can get delisted on a whim, disappearing forever.

Thank you @Illuminatus for this quote.

[Edit: In case this wasn't clear, this is about entertainment and digital ownership, not physical goods]

So uhhh does anyone know cool small golang projects a relative beginner can take a look at? I want to know how people write stuff in it

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Farmers may
now pay their
taxes in
wheat and seeds

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Today in public awareness campaigns that look like shitposts: Just flip 'em!™

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I wish I had two bodies one could always be in bed and sleep while the other one makes use of time. when they're both awake they can beat each other up
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every (i think?) numogram image of which i am the source (im sorry)
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"Optical breakdown in air can constitute a severe problem for laser machining (e.g. drilling holes with laser light) because it not only extracts energy from the beam before it reaches the target, but also tends to defocus the beam"

Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged. "The light beam is so bright that its voltage causes the air to spark."

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Q: Why don't aliens visit the solar system?

A: They checked the reviews but it has only one star.

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thing i need to remember is that while there are many reasons not to have read much on a given day, there are few reasons to have read truly nothing. even reading for forty-five seconds and then dropping the text exempts one from that status. likewise, writing truly nothing, as in not even a few words, is very difficult to justify. even a false start devoid of all motivation which gets through a sentence, half a sentence, accomplishes that. so i should probably avoid those two absences

RT @chefmaeda
and final comparison. i had a lot of fun bathing this pathetic thing

RT @deportablediz
it's so fascinating how there's a distinction between people who play video games because they're a unique experience curated by game designers and people who play them for the same reason a rat in a cage pushes a button to get food twitter.com/_rawrell/status/16

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a Schelling point for those who seek one