RT @atroyni have for a long time been prepared to be swayed by the arguments of @ESYudkowsky and of the alignment/safety community in general
i cannot get past this part in his piece in 'time'. this reads like 'and then the ai invents magic'
RT @__femb0tSaint Clippy Maxima, patron saint of single minded pursuits src:http://clairborneart.tumblr.com
RT @tatatata23456783/26花見
RT @depthsofwiki
RT @__femb0t
RT @PC98_botViper GTS // Sogna // PC-98 // #pc98 #Sogna
RT @AungThuka4敷かれたレールの上を走るのが苦手なので、大学受験から今までの自分の人生はいつもこんな感じ。
RT @__justplayinghappy 2nd evergivenversary for those who celebrate
RT @leaacta🧠⚡🧠
RT @acczibitOnly way I'd get Twitter Blue is if it allowed me to add these
RT @the_wilderless
RT @Kholodetssnonono this can't happen twitter shouldn't manifest in reality
RT @8264mtあと2か月もすればお花見が楽しめますが、同時に花粉に悩まされる季節でもあります。
RT @KowloonsCurse
RT @jrtfck52#24の日 EF6324号機の現役時代の写真4枚。😭
RT @jrtfck52#これを見た人は適当に3文字呟く 飯田線
RT @bagenzoits pretty sad how many people think they can make a visual novel without first looking at this image
RT @8264mt弘南鉄道大鰐線2023年1月
RT @df5066そごう色+ことちゃん遍路号の600型4連
a Schelling point for those who seek one