My littleun's writing a story. All I showed her was how to open the text editor, save/load files, and where the backspace and space bar and return key were.

I've got some difficult decisions coming up. If the pandemic's under control enough by this autumn, she'll be going to school. So how do I teach her technology?

Do I teach her the easy ways, or do I try to get her used to the miserable crap that her school's gonna try to force on her?

Like, just as an example, right now she's hunt-and-pecking on a QWERTY keyboard.

It took me YEARS to get quick on QWERTY! Years and years! And the transition between hunt-and-peck and touch typing was a deliberate decision, which felt like learning to type all over again!

It took me a WEEK to learn DVORAK. And I was in my late twenties, my head was already full of crap that I had to try and fit DVORAK into, hers is still flexible enough I bet she could get up to 30wpm in what, 3 or 4 days?

So then she'd be in school already knowing how to touch-type, and they'd put her on a QWERTY keyboard, and it would be horribly slow and uncomfortable and make no sense whatsoever.

I mean this'd be a great illustration of how grown-ups are often full of shit, which is an important metalesson

It'd probably be worthwhile for your kiddo to learn to touch type on both Dvorak and QWERTY. In all 34 years of my life I've yet to ever see a Dvorak keyboard irl. As ineffective as it is, QWERTY is standard and your kid will likely have to use it often whether that's at school, a public library, etc.

@crasher35 That's the concern. I'm exclusively DVORAK but I've kinda carved out a life where I can be that, and that's the hard part. It's really easy to type DVORAK, it's not easy to be ALLOWED to type DVORAK. :P


@ifixcoinops @crasher35 if you have some QWERTY keyboards and some DVORAK and she has reason to use both then it seems like she would learn both and it would seem totally normal, like doesn't every house have two kinds of computer keyboards?

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