Christ I looked at metafilter again and now I'm angry again. Thread about glorifying meat on social media (IE posting pictures of all the meat you eat and doing free advertising for the nightmare of industrialized factory farming), within half a page of comments someone pops up with the old "people's choices don't matter, wait for someone to regulate it" thing, ONE HUNDRED FAVOURITES.

Americans have this weird isolationist individualism thing going on and it infects them SO DEEPLY that they literally cannot parse the connection between individual actions and cultural change. It puts them into despair and the threads go round and round into shaming people for trying to help instead of changing nothing and waiting for American government (!!!) to fix things.

They actually, sincerely do not understand that individual actions taken by many people results in societal change.


@ifixcoinops Sort of in the middle would be "do things that potentially scale." Global warming is very very big. We are small. What one person does is irrelevant, unless it's a seed or prototype for what thousands and then maybe millions will do later. Or maybe you're doing your bit as part of the avalanche? Early adopters are important too.

So, foodie fads like artificial meat or Soylent seem promising, even though they're not really necessary? Or so it looks from California.

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