Trolls and willfully ignorant aside, I've found a lot of Americans are deeply unaware of the difference between how the U.S. is responding to the pandemic vs. other places. They don't know the US has the highest death toll, they don't know over 5 million have died globally, etc.

U.S. media almost never talks about the measures being used in countries around the world to prevent transmission, illness, and death. They almost exclusively talk about vaccines, they let the White House and CDC set the agenda and limit of imagination for pandemic response.

In most U.S. mainstream reporting there seems to be a baseline assumption that mask mandates, paid shutdowns, and expanded social programs are simply off the table, no matter who is running the government. But they don't talk about the countries that are doing these things.


@omanreagan I guess that's sort of true if you don't look at the international news? I've read a fair bit about what other countries are doing. This includes articles in American newspapers.

But apparently a lot of people don't read that section?

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