A positive rather than negative vision for the "Small Web" or even beyond (the "Web of Social Trust" maybe?)
I want to see free tools for creating low-cost decentralised digital communities which:
* are robust against cyber-attacks
* are robust against insincere influencers and well-funded corporate buyouts
* are robust against government crackdowns and social panics
* are robust against their own members abusing each other or being swept into hatreds and panics
* help people be smart and kind
Having good tools that recognise the need for permanent, searchable, editable content (rather than a fast-flowing search-hostile stream of in-the-moment reactions) would be good.
Wikis are the first step, but we stepped backwards. I don't understand why.
Since 2006 I've been assuming that "obviously" the next step after web forums and wikis would be a converged forum/wiki where you have posts you can pin as edits to pages.
That never happened for some reason.