
Folks on Elon's Twitter will be pro-cyborg, and then be conditionally skeptical of other subsets in body autonomy (Trans surgery+).
I don't get it. 🤷

@violet_cerue Hopefully I'll get the time to really explore the nuances at some point.
But it does seem that bodily autonomy is not really a shared tenant among some, nor a hyper or meta-liberal conception of identity or experience. I guess you could say a dulled comprehension of alterities.

@xenofy @violet_cerue It's worth a good look. You indicate that you would expect this to be a meta-liberal norm but I'm not sure.
Fukuyama certainly doesn't believe that liberalism is compatible with biohacking, and he's as close as we've got to a Pope of liberal political philosophy.

@Alephwyr @xenofy Ding ding ding

They see sexy, efficient and powerful bodies. Morphological freedom is the implication they'd rather not see rearing its "ugly" head

They will either participate in the culture wars to attempt enforcing their norms while they keep dreaming about antiquated futuristic visions, or realize morphological freedom will creep up regardless and reject the whole premise to turn to NRx instead

@cibo @xenofy tbh I like unified aesthetic visions (plural), but sandboxes are also needed to develop them in, and nothing enforced by violence deserves to exist. I still believe in something closer to federation than true decentralization, at least as the general modality. My holistic ideal is probably something like 80% federation and 20% absolute chaos.

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