
Spicy take, but as a result of just recycling u/acc in unconstructive ways, I see more and more that a majority of e/acc has a capture potential for techno-rightoids at the end of the day. I keep seeing bad take stacking up from those that really adopt that scene as an identity thing. There is an easy shift for it to become a vehicle for a DE project.

@xenofy I stopped giving a shit about them when one of its biggest voices was saying nonsense like "defund the police is a Chinese psyop actually"

Turns out being excited by buzzwords like "network state" is not conducive to exploring bottom-up dynamics seriously. It's mostly a vibes thing unfortunately

@cibo @xenofy the network state is hilarious - similar energy to Industrial Society and it's Future where you think its going to be about X (industrialization bad / cool social applications of blockchain) and its largely just complaining about left wing meanies

@cibo @xenofy frankly the interesting practical stuff could be fit in a blog post, the hundreds of pages complaining about wokes or doing dogshit geopolitical analysis are such an incitement of how intellectually mediocre silicon valley tycoons are

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