@AbstractFairy there are alternatives like better voting systems (than fptp), direct democracy, sortitions which I think would be steps in the right direction. As a kind of utilitarian humanist I don't think we should try to lock people out of power, we just have to try and improve our culture, education, institutions in step with empowerment.

@AbstractFairy there's a theory of economic development in foreign aid that uses a Dutch war to argue that nations decentralising power is inevitable because it allows borrowing at lower rates which is required to win wars, but I think that's more a case of needing to align political power with de facto (economic) power, and decentralisation of economic power is not inevitable

@AbstractFairy I hate this take, it's a classically technocratic perspectives the world isn't screwed because we can't find the right thing to do, it's screwed because decisions are taken in favour of the few not the many. So critiquing voting on technocratic grounds is totally missing the point, sure from the point of view of a ruler(s) it's a concession/compromise to maintain power, but from the perspective of the whole system it's power sharing.


a Schelling point for those who seek one