currently X is fun, and you like the results of X, but X-doers are poor. so you make a system whereby you can pay money to X-doers for doing X. but oh no! now X-space is dominated by miserable beleaguered people optimizing for money and producing a few % more X!

currently X is fun, and you like the results of X, but X-doers are poor. so you make a system whereby you can pay money to X-doers for doing X. now the X-doers have money, and there's even more X being done. heck yes! victory

these might be stories about the same thing, or about different things (under different circumstances that X-lovers might want to distinguish), who knows, probably depends on the X

inspired most recently by a post about Roblox and how it was a scam. okay so basically back in the day i loved making 3D environments and playing around in them with my friends. roblox facilitates this by providing hosting + modelling software + game engine

this is fun, and the byproduct of this (playable 3D environments) is good for the world. i made a nice city u could blow up with rocket launchers that u battle in and stuff.

but now ppl can get paid for making roblox places, and (so the post claimed) roblox is now full of miserable beleaguered people spending 100s of hours making slightly-more-optimised games and rarely getting money because of intense competition?

or maybe roblox is full of people who are having fun making 3d environments, now with the awesome new roblox tools (i heard they have proper terrain now!!!) roblox made in service of the now money-driven optimisation for fun and beauty :)

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