my new compromise position that is sure to make everyone happy is parents can stop their kids from getting COVID vaccines but if they do it publicly its neglect and the government arrests them


@TetraspaceGrouping where are you hearing pro covid-vaccine stuff?

this is the first one i've seen in months.


@fluffy huh, I’m in much more pro-vaccine bubble, probably because my friends are all British ( or Rationalists (big fans of technofixes and being very concerned about long COVID since like February 2020)


@TetraspaceGrouping Ah cool! I'm solidly in the second camp. Glad to hear there are people like me who are pro-vacc as well.

Super bullish on the idea of mRNA treatments to address genetic diseases etc. The idea behind the tech is really cool. I hope they don't fuck up adoption of mRNA treatments with what looks more and more like a rushed jab that the Trump administration pushed through to win re-election and fuck those up for us the way google fucked up AR with Google Glass. I am still furious about that.

re: politics 

@fluffy @TetraspaceGrouping it's simple

if you try to put compounds in someone's body without consent, get shot :blobcatpolice:

re: politics 

@icedquinn @TetraspaceGrouping i mean i'm vaccinated for loads of stuff. you don't see anyone fighting against smallpox vaccination. quinn IIRC you were the one who told me how anti-vaxxers are made to be some sort of luddites by big corpo news but actually they have legitimate concern about botched vaccines.

Yeah and of course all of our big corpos regularly fuck up our citizens with bad medicine and then get off with a slap on the wrist. Remember Vioxx? Aspirin alternative, big on television, killed by some estimates half a million Americans before being pulled off the market by force.

re: politics 

@fluffy i've just always been against people being drugged against their will.

my school tried to get me on a compound that would later be proven to cause permanent brain damage and chemical dependency had they been allowed to do it, even though that drug was "safe and effective" at the time.

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