it's a shame that literally every epub reader displays the whole page at once, and only lets me jump between pages instead of continuously scrolling, instead of e.g. having a usable interface like Archive of Our Own's

is there some kind of horrible design constraint that means they have to do this? like, its just text, cant they just show it in a way that makes it nice to read

ok the horrible design constraint seems to be that epubs are actually zipped folders containing html files, and those html files are displayed sequentially instead of stitched together into one long text. and i guess adding page-level continuous scrolling would make chapter-level continuous scrolling really janky? meh

on the plus side: epubs are zipped folders containing html files it turns out! i could literally just code up my own epub unsucker in python!

i have no quarrel with hardware epub readers btw, they're just kinda like books and books are fine

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