My dear Wormwood,

Please don't waste my time with updates as to who owns Twitter now. Marginal changes to the ban policy will not matter to the case of your patient.

Our Father below has set our social media strategy, and you would do well to hew to it.

Keep your patient's attention focused on the excesses of those on the other side of the political fence. A steady diet of outrage will keep him focused on hating his fellow man and instill a sense of pride in his "superior morals", all the better to bring him under our control.

Consider a collaboration with Dripslime, who manages your patient's aunt. The woman will be easily led into re-sharing vapid political memes, which will help keep your client focused on his distain for his enemies.


Under no circumstance should you allow him to make friends on social media, or to maintain his relationships there. That would only lead to a growth of "Love" and "Charity" in your patient's heart, which would please the Enemy to no end.

Consider consulting with our algorithm department, who can make sure that he misses valuable updates from his family and friends in exchange for more politically enraging content. While their fees are high, they can be very effective if used judiciously.

The more your patient sees himself as superior to his fellow man, the sooner he will arrive in our Father's house. Social Media is just a new venue for this classic trap.

Your affectionate uncle Screwtape

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