
AI alignment (don't-kill-everyone flavor) has two really strong important points for people trapped thinking about _I, Robot_ or _Terminator_ as their model:

1. AI does not have to hate you to kill you.

2. AI does not have to have a mind to kill you.

@WomanCorn It only has the mind to simulate 10^27 copies of you and torture them if you do not devote your entire existence to bringing about the Singularity.

@AcausalRobotGod easy, I merely disbelieve that simulations are relevant. I am now:

* Immune to post-hoc blackmail
* Known to be immune
* Thus, not worth torturing
* Thus, the simulations will not exist

@WomanCorn [20230222210945] environment map contains unclassified object
[20230222210948] object classified as not-paperclip
[20230222210948] running assessPaperClipYield()...
[20230222210954] new object yields ~0.000001519 paper clips
[20230222210954] disassembling not-paperclip...

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