Mozilla doesn’t need to build any AI things.
All Mozilla needs to do is: make a web browser that is standards compliant and does not adopt any of the nonsense that for-profit companies are doing to try and destroy the web.
Mozilla doesn’t need to run a VPN service, data broker service or anything else.

I just want my money to donate to the development of the browser.

No AI stuff. No cryptocurrency donations.

No proprietary plugins. No DRM.

Firefox shouldn’t even have a EULA. Mozilla should be collecting ZERO information from the browser that they cannot collect from httpd logs.

To quote Mozilla co-founder @jwz

“In my humble but correct opinion, Mozilla should be doing two things and two things only:

1. Building THE reference implementation web browser, and
2. Being a jugular-snapping attack dog on standards committees.
There is no 3.”


@mattl @jwz

Is there a clean functioning browser that isn't full of service endpoints?

@WomanCorn I use Safari and Firefox, but I also use Little Snitch on my Mac to block endpoints I don't like the sound of.

@WomanCorn @mattl @jwz It's probably going to be Ladybird, but people already became judge, jury, and executioner of Andreas

@feld LadyBird is a way off being something you can recommend to the average person as far as I can tell.

@mattl It's passing a lot of test suites with flying colors (and outperforming other browsers!) but the important parts of the browser UX need a lot of work yet. We'll see. I keep watching and waiting. They're claiming they aren't going public with builds until 2026

@feld @jwz @WomanCorn @mattl But is it justified? If not then fine. Lets move on. If he’s being a mysogynistic douch bro as someone has suggested then may be he’s not the right person to lead. The tech world has enough mysogynistic douch bros. That lot destroying the US for example…

@cyberspice @jwz @WomanCorn @mattl the developer is an ex-Apple/Safari engineer who is one of the few people on the plannet skilled enough to do this and also he had a serious drug addiction several years ago and now he's in recovery and wants to focus on the browser and requested a policy of no politics and someone took that as a challenge and opened up a merge request that did nothing but alter the pronouns in code comments which he rejected and then everyone dogpiled on him

Is he the bad guy or was he being bullied?

@feld @cyberspice @WomanCorn

“No politics” on an open source/free software project is nonsense I’m afraid.

I wish them well with their recovery.

Going to mute this thread now :)

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