tension is essential to existence, conflicts serve a purpose with respect to the greater system

making choices is difficult but one can always start with the fact that for the question "what should i do/how do i solve this problem?" the answer is always "something other than what you're currently doing"

RT @amirism_
i think everyone could benefit from doing the opposite of whatever they're currently doing

there is no "balance", you just keep oscillating to and fro until you die because this oscillation is life itself

RT @amirism_
i don't trust "moderate" arguments in favor of "balance"

there is no center like there is no center of the universe; the function of this pretense of a moderate position is to hide the *direction* the argument is pointing to

life is just moving around until you die

RT @amirism_
you get born, other people deal with your shit until you have to do it yourself

then you do it yourself until you can't and hopefully someone'll be there to deal with you again

if you think you're too rational, try to be more emotional. if you feel like you're too emotional, then try to be more rational. just do the other thing

if you're tired of living in the city, try to move to the countryside. if "trad" living sucks, try to move to a big city. just do the other thing


just do something else. DO SOMETHING ELSE!

if you feel like you're not doing anything then try to do something that would count as doing something. if you feel like you're doing too much then stop doing anything

at any particular place you're in, you will see other people on the other side. always many other people on many other sides

they are the enemy. fight them

if they are not the enemy, join them

there is no equilibrium, no goal, no destination other than death

this is why the best way to give advice is not to recommend a particular decision, which is inherently judgmental and restricting, but just opening up possible paths, which is the opposite of those things

the first step of freedom is knowing that you can DO SOMETHING ELSE

"why can't we just get along?" no. no no no we must fight

we must fight because you want to do something and i want to do something else

RT @eggprophet
have you tried picturing every distinction youve ever made as a coin

RT @visakanv
it is critically important and absolutely pointless to oscillate between extremes

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