@andrew ~ current plan
1. figure out how to make a decent amount of money for the least amount of work
2. play sports, learn programming (for ai, and to have my own spot online), do art as a hobby
@andrew wbu?
@AbstractFairy I think I would join a university of weird nerds. I'd join the modern equivalent of the Baghdad House of Wisdom.
The main problem is that I don't think that institution exists yet, so hope I could figure out the logistics there.
The other major one is having kids, which I would do right away if I knew what I wanted to do for money. I'm in a good career position, but not sure who I want to work with/for..
@andrew feels like blogging is the minimum viable product for a modern day baghdad of wisdom
fuck around > find out > write about it > poast > more people fuck around and find out different things > moar poast
re: kids
i'd like to have kids one day, but there's a looong way to that. finding a suitable partner and reorganizing society
hope you find alignment in your career :D
@AbstractFairy a house of wisdom where you can't commune over the lunch table is no house of wisdom
@andrew ah so closer to tribe building
i'd suggest checking out Rich Decibels and his work on https://www.microsolidarity.cc/
and https://rafael.fyi/ by raf
(didn't realize how much easier it is to link on twitter. mayabe the problem is that people are used to using a service instead of using the internet as a whole)
@andrew also i love what you made! more power to you❤️
@AbstractFairy this is a bit unfair though, I'm still very committed to the blogosphere, which I think is a beautiful and alive ecosystem. I just want it to exist in NYC, as well.