People keep saying that the macro-problem with for-profit medicine is that the financial incentive is to go on treating the problem forever without curing it, but it seems to me that this also applies to car mechanics, contractors, janitors, and basically every other profession that ever fixes anything, ever.
@cerebrate the whole “vaccines cause autism” myth can be traced back directly to a pharmaceutical company paying Andrew Wakefield to publish a fake study connecting the MMR vaccine to autism.
So they could sell three separate vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella instead.
Well, that’s an allegation I hadn’t previously heard and which seems absent from the usual sources. Cite?
Doesn't mention "a pharmaceutical company paying Andrew Wakefield to publish a fake study connecting the MMR vaccine to autism [et seq]".
I've done a little digging but don't have time to pursue every reference. Do you have a pointer to something covering that aspect in particular?