July 21: What is your MC's drink of choice?

Morrí: "She drinks esklav. Constabulary esklav. Like a walking cliché."

Jynne: "It's just esklav."

Morrí: "Normal esklav isn't blacker than a singularity's ass, so stiff with sugar and stims that they precipitate out at the bottom, and most importantly, doesn't _stain_ like that. Or corrode spoons."

Jynne: "It does if you make it right!"


For those curious, I'm not just smeerping coffee, here. (See eldraeverse.com/2016/04/05/tro .) It doesn't have an exact Earth analog, due to their greenlife and Earth-life having parted ways around 360,000 years ago or so ( eldraeverse.com/2022/11/02/ori ).

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