
Thinking of that meme that space colonies will remain bound to their earthly masters (because it's the law, don'ch'know) enforced by the Earthers' merciless grip on their supply chain?

Consider, on the one hand, the sheer outrage generated in the public discourse by Israel's refusal to continue to supply electricity and water to the Gaza Strip, a polity whose government, Hamas, lists the brutal murder of every Israeli as its official state policy.

Now consider how likely the likelihood of finding a iron-spined enough to condemn a million/hundred-thousand/ten-thousand/etc. Lunarians or Martians in the former US colony to slow death for, basically, transmitting an updated copy of their own Declaration of Independence - and doing so in the face of the entire non-Internet-tough-guy population being all "um, I didn't sign up for deliberate mass-murder, kthx".

This is why I do not buy it.

@cerebrate that’s basically how the parahumans in that novel I wrote ten years ago (scheiß, that long?) got their freedom.

@cerebrate Mind, I wasn't expecting soldiers to start posting video evidence of their own war crimes to social media.

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