
Well, that's an interesting conundrum. Given the relatively low demand of space launch in general, it may be unrealistic to expect a "robust" commercial space community to be viable and sustainable.

@isaackuo @nyrath

One option, unlikely to actually happen, is to bulk up SpaceX until it's three times bigger than it is now, then split it into three competing firms.

A similar option is to declare that SpaceX is big enough now, and split it into three competitors.

It's easier to explain this in the context of corporations with large geographic footprints: splitting AT&T into the baby bells. Principle is the same.


@dashdsrdash @isaackuo @nyrath

Yeah, but look at what happened subsequently. Just as soon as they could, they progressively reunited into what are now, hrm, three companies? The biggest of which is, by a considerable margin...


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