
The thing that strikes me as funny about this, technical-background-wise, is that the lessons learned have basically been common software dev knowledge since, good gods, the early sixties _at least_ .

The whole story reads like the familiar story of everyone who's ever had to work with vertical software in general, in which due to limited markets, low budgets, and lack of alternatives it - well, it's all cheaped-out pure shit, in a nutshell.

@cerebrate @nyrath
Windows NT on a warship. Ye hairy gods of the underworld.


@n1xnx @nyrath

Honestly, you *could* do some pretty decent RT programming on the NT kernel. It might not be my first choice on a blank-slate design, but still.

(And given how comprehensively these guys screwed up even basic UI stuff, I wouldn't trust them to do RT programming on a dedicated platform either.)

@cerebrate @nyrath
I'll grant you, the choice of NT was certainly not their greatest sin against proper system design.

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