Why is Twitter on Android displaying this Japanese tweet in Chinese fonts? (Look at the 今 and 連絡 characters.) There are hiragana in the message...
Is there a system or app setting I can fix?
https://heistak.github.io/your-code-displays-japanese-wrong/for background on this problem. The supplement of which contains this fascinating info on "discretionary ligatures"...
@domenic For both Web and Android, an interesting question is: is it right/wrong for everyone, or just for you? In other words, is Twitter for Web doing language tagging, or does *your* browser in particular prefer a Japanese font over Chinese ones for characters that are available in both?
(Han unification means this is a very common question to ask...)
@domenic CSSWG has had various discussions touching on related issues, over the years. The one I remember most is https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jun/0325.html but I'm pretty sure there were other contentious ones. Though the core problem isn't really in CSSWG's scope.
@dbaron Now that I'm on desktop, I can tell that Twitter web uses lang="ja".
Interestingly, my Linux desktop (Firefox) still gets it wrong. Maybe I don't have Japanese fonts installed there.
Twitter web gets this right.