Once any organisation has enough dysfunctional people in it (maybe as low as 5%) it will shed competent people who are tired of the bullshit faster than those who are too dysfunctional to find a better position.
RT @drethelin
I think the massive multi-government failure on covid is probably the same sort of thing that causes cost disease.

We have a system that’s to a large extent run by and for bullshit artists.

Any organisation. The only advantage private enterprise has is that it is more often allowed to fail and start over, and there is redundancy (competition) to fill the gaps when that happens.

Regulation of an industry correlates in that regulation usually means more humans are required to assure compliance-> larger firms, more room for dysfunction to fester.


A lot of people are in jobs they are not good at, and the best you can hope for is that they just get nothing done.
Often they will instead create work for others.

I don’t have great thoughts on solutions. Maybe UBI + making it really easy to fire people and for corporations to fail? UBI means that’s not catastrophic for anyone, and hopefully means people can retrain and find where they are a good fit.

But I’m not super optimistic, since elite overproduction is still a thing.

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