Is Signal down for other people or just me?
@jdp @Connor big oof
@jdp @Connor I'm getting only intermittent connectivity
@mattparlmer @jdp yeah same here, messages in GTC are coming through out of order on mobile and my attempt to send one failed
@mattparlmer @jdp possibly a reason to get more people on this server as a backup?
@Connor @jdp among other places, yeah
@mattparlmer @Connor @jdp still totally out where I am- dang, this is a solid outage.
@meanderingexile @mattparlmer @jdp yeah I haven’t gotten messages on a big, highly active group chat in over five hours
a Schelling point for those who seek one
@mattparlmer @Connor @jdp still totally out where I am- dang, this is a solid outage.