@nyx lol yeah this is 100% in character for dale. supposedly there's a reboot in the works so we might yet see it.
@rowb1t I think there's been a reboot "in the works" for years at this point and nothing has come of it so idk
@nyx i'm skeptical but honestly have higher hopes for this than the new Futurama (despite being a huge fan).
@rowb1t yeah Silicon Valley was really good so Mike Judge still makes good stuff at least
@nyx still haven't finished silicon valley. i really liked it but i was watching with my gf and she lost interest. she's never worked in tech though so maybe it's less relatable.
@rowb1t yeah the whole time I was watching it I extremely related to a lot of it, having both worked in tech and also grown up in the Bay Area. but Mike Judge himself worked in tech for awhile in the 90s before leaving the industry because he hated it lol

@nyx @rowb1t
i always thought the bay area was a place to go to for 4 years and then leave with depression, not grow up in

@niplav @rowb1t it's far less common than the rest of the country for people to have families in the Bay Area, especially in the heart of it in like SF, but it does happen. it's depressing because until the tech industry really took off and ruined everything there was some interesting stuff there because of the influence of the counterculture. lots of really influential anarchist writers came out of the East Bay, and there was like an underground synth music scene in the late 70s/80s, lots of different cultures from Asian and Hispanic immigrants and obviously the queer culture, but now it's basically impossible to afford to live there if you're a normal person and not a retiree or a tech worker. and even then I had to leave because it's too fucking expensive and not worth it even if you work in tech and make six figures.

@nyx @niplav everyone i know in the bay area has been doing the startup-hopper thing for 10 years, and frankly whenever i talk to them they sound miserable. my old roommate eventually got priced out of Oakland and just went back to grad school lol.

@rowb1t @niplav it's so not worth it unless you get lucky and get a job at a startup that becomes the next Uber or something and get a bunch of equity in it, but you can say "it's not worth it unless you win the lottery" about basically anything. waste of time that will just end with having one less thing to care about or have any passion for
@nyx @niplav the only people i know who seem to (relatively) enjoy their lot are the ones who went the "company man" route and have stayed at the same big, established corps (MS, Amazon, IBM). although none of them live in the bay area either. imagine NYC or Seattle being appealing for "low cost-of-living" lmao
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