11 y/o: we had to do a report on an animal for school & I picked the stoat. in addition to writing a report, I made a papier-mâché model of it then cut it in half across the belly & glued a slinky between the 2 halves (got the idea from the slinky dog in Toy Story). I was proud.
10 y/o:
RT @pareinoia
when I was 10 I "fell" in "love" with a boy I met on Neopets simply because he was the first boy I encountered who used emoticons like :3, xD, ^^ as well as proper grammar & spelling. I thought only girls did that & figured I caught myself a rare specimen I needed to hold on to
9 y/o: some friends and I gathered some of our unneeded trinkets/toys to do a yard sale together. I ended up pocketing this one girl's cool-looking lenticular Pokemon card thing while nobody was looking. she never found out. sorry Rachel.