10 y/o:
RT @pareinoia
when I was 10 I "fell" in "love" with a boy I met on Neopets simply because he was the first boy I encountered who used emoticons like :3, xD, ^^ as well as proper grammar & spelling. I thought only girls did that & figured I caught myself a rare specimen I needed to hold on to
12 y/o: I convinced my mom to let me leave our computer on for 2 days and 2 nights in order to download the 700mb Ragnarok Online client (I hadn't heard of download managers at that point). honestly I'm surprised it worked and that the connection didn't break at any point.
11 y/o: mom & I visited my aunt in the hospital after she gave birth. it was the first time I saw a newborn up close. she was bright red like a lobster, & kept her eyes tightly shut — we kept trying to catch the fleeting moments when she'd open her eyes to see her eye color